  • Private Banking
  • Digital projects

Password "Red Viburnum": specialists of ConcordBank taught students of Dnipro Lyceum of Information Technologies cybersecurity

How to protect your bank card, when to change your password, whether it is safe to use a VPN, and why and how to properly cover the keyboard when entering the card PIN on the ATM keyboard … These and other cybersecurity issues were discussed with students of the Dnipro Lyceum of Information Technologies by Valentyn Miniailo, member of the Supervisory Board of CONCORD Bank, ambassador of joint educational programs with the NBU.

The project of the National Bank of Ukraine "Financial Defense. Profession of a Banker" has interesting lecture topics for all ages: from kindergarten children to high school students. The 8th graders were curious to find out in which countries it is more profitable to pay with a Visa card and in which with a MasterCard; how to create an easy-to-remember and secure computer password for the whole family; how to protect social media accounts.

“To protect your account and log in to your computer or tablet, it is important to create a strong password. It is not recommended to use pet names as a password. For example, Murchyk134 is a bad password that is too weak for fraudsters to guess.

To create strong passwords, you can use motivational phrases, Ukrainian songs, poems, and proverbs. For example, a phrase from the popular song "Red Viburnum" can become a complex password for your account”, – Valentyn Miniailo, a member of the Supervisory Board of CONCORD Bank, told the lyceum students.

Another interesting thing for the boys and girls during the excursion to the bank was the minting of talisman coins with a real blacksmith. Serhii Komarov comes from a blacksmith's dynasty and has been forging metal products himself for many years. The craftsman told the lyceum students the story of the origin of metal money, and then each of the children was able to "seal" the fondest wish in a coin that they forged themselves.

Let's spread financial culture among young people together!

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