  • Private Banking
  • Digital projects

Quick loan for you if:

  • You are a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

  • You have been in business for 12 months or more (trade), 18 months and more (production, services).

  • You have a good credit history and business reputation: there were no bankruptcies, liquidations, overdue budget commitments, etc.


Why do you need a quick loan

  • You need money for current activities (except for replenishment of authorized capital and provision / return of financial assistance).
  • You need to buy equipment, real estate, car for business development.


Advantages of fast loan


Process of granting loan

How the bank makes decisions

  1. You contact the bank (fill in the form).
  2. We study your business and its financial performance.
  3. You collect the necessary documents (what documents are required).
  4. The Bank conducts financial and economic analysis and notifies the decision.
  5. You get a loan.

Frequently Asked Questions

In what currency can I get a loan?


 What factors does the bank take into account when making decisions?

  • Financial condition of the borrower and the actual turnover of the business.
  • Quality of the project, which is the object of the loan, and the prospects for business development.
  • Role of the borrower in the market and the state of the industry.
  • Borrower's credit history and business reputation
  • Willingness of company owners to provide a guarantee.

 For how long can I take a loan?

 Up to 36 months.

 For what needs can I use credit funds?

 Replenishment of working capital and payment under the agreement / contract of sale for the purchase of fixed assets.

 How to repay interest?

 Interest is repaid by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month.

 Can I repay the loan early?

 Yes, without penalties.

Need a quick loan?
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Сredit calculator SMEs