  • Private Banking
  • Digital projects

Як приватному підприємцю працювати, не встаючи з дивану?

You are an entrepreneur and you want to make any transactions, accrue salaries, follow the accounting department WITHOUT COMING TO THE BANK? Simply sign up for free online banking for legal entities — icON business от Concord bank.

For example, one of our clients is a supplier of coffee from South America, and every month he buys from 100 thousand dollars to buy goods, explains the first deputy chairman of the board of Concord bank Yuri Zadoya. - According to the law, for this the legal entity needs to show a contract, an invoice, confirm the source of the origin of its funds, etc. Previously, all this took many days and hours of visits to the bank.

Today everything is done with a few clicks in the icON business.

How exactly does icON business help a business?

Another situation: you are on a business trip in Germany, you are preparing for a new agrarian season and you need to urgently pay a tractor worth 100 thousand hryvnias from your account. From any PC you enter icON business, choose the option “Payment from your account ... .." - a couple of minutes and everything is ready.

If at the end we want to line up all the accounting without the help of an accountant, in icON business we can easily generate payment statements.

Total: you can buy 100 thousand dollars, sign a contract, pay for a tractor and line up all the accounting, without going to the bank, in less than half an hour.

How to connect?

1. Open an account with Concord bank;

2. When you open an account, you are given a password and login for free use of icON business;

3. If you have any questions, please call: (0562) 04-31-37, (067) 818-80-48. On non-working days: (050); (068); (056) 734-50-05.

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